CABOLO takes the floor at the G7 Meeting in Trento

CABOLO G7 Trento

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CABOLO at the G7 Meeting in Trento: March 15th marked a pivotal moment in the realm of innovation and technological advancement.

CABOLO® received an invitation to participate in the G7 Ministerial Meeting on Industry, Technology, and Digital, graciously hosted by the Italian Presidency. We were also honoured to sign the Ministerial Declaration, shaping the international dialogue on the ethical and responsible deployment of emerging technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence.

This opportunity not only mirrors CABOLO’s esteemed standing within the industry but also underscores our dedication to ethical practices, innovation, and moulding the trajectory of technology in accordance with democratic principles and values. By endorsing the Ministerial Declaration, we reaffirm our pledge to employing AI in an ethical manner for the advancement of our society, the economy, and the welfare of all.

The main points highlighted are in close harmony with the ethos and strategic objectives of our company. CABOLO®’s dedication to crafting secure, efficient, and user-centric digital services resonates seamlessly with the priorities established by the G7 members.

We acknowledge the vast potential of AI in revolutionising our everyday existence and are steadfastly committed to ensuring that its evolution, implementation, and utilisation are grounded in ethical considerations and the safeguarding of fundamental human rights.

Through our daily efforts and unwavering pursuit of excellence, we have positioned ourselves among the global frontrunners who steer the course of our societies’ futures.

As CABOLO, we are thus proud and simultaneously mindful of the immense responsibility bestowed upon us as we embark on this extraordinary journey, particularly as signatories of the G7 Ministerial Declaration on Industry, Technology, and Digital you can access the declaration on the Italian Government website at  

In furtherance of our commitment to transparency and collaboration, we have included below the complete text of the Ministerial Declaration. This document aligns perfectly with our values of openness and the sharing of information, while also stressing the significance of collective endeavours to foster a beneficial societal impact through technological progress.

Let us rejoice in this significant accomplishment together and persist in our voyage towards a future steered by innovative digital transformation grounded in ethical Artificial Intelligence practices.